Saturday, September 8, 2012

Game 1 - Sneak attack on Nifelheim


Nifelheim is a remote ice world in the Ragnarok star system where the Storm Wolves keep an early warning base which for too long has been under resourced.  As the centuries since the last incursion tick away, it's soldiers see their time there as a battle with monotony.

But all that's about to change ...


The board contains a small defensible outpost and landing dock structure.  There are several scattered craters as well as junk piles from disguarded machinery which became unserviceable in the harsh conditions.

The scenario is a 750 point played with the Purge The Alien rules (kill as many as you can) using Hammer and Anvil Deployment.

Storm Wolf Army

  • Librarian with Molten Beam and Psychic Shriek
  • 2 x 10 Man Tactical Squad with Flamer and Missile Launcher
  • 5 Man Scout Squad
  • Dreadnought with Lascannon and Missile Launcher 
  • Predator with Autocannon and Heavy Bolter side-sponsons

Imperial Guard

  • HQ-Lord Commissar with power weapon and Carapace armour
  • 2 x Veteran squad with carapace armour and chimera
  • Platoon command squad with mortar,sniper rifle
  • 2 x Troop-Infantry squard with grenade launcher
  • 3 x Armoured Sentinels with Lascannons

Turn 1
With thunderous fire, the Storm Wolf dreadnaught was knocked out of the game in the first volley of fire from the Armoured Sentinels.

The furious Storm Wolves retaliated, taking down one of the Sentinels which exploded taking down several guardsmen as it did so ...

Turn 2
The Space Marine Scouts launched out of cover to strike an Armoured Sentinel, with no clear winner.  Space Marines attempted to seize ground, launching forward at their enemy to lure them in ...

Turn 3
Boom!  The Space Marine Predator became the next victim of the withering fire from the Sentinel Lascannons.

Veteran guardsmen stormed out of their Chimeras to strike at one of the Space Marine tactical squads.

Turn 4
Space Marines lose in hand-to-hand against Guardman.  This cannot be!

Thankfully the Librarian cuts down a Chimera with a Molten Beam to even things up.

Turn 5
The Librarians unit and the Lord Commissar face off, with the Space Marines rightfully triumphant!  Death to the Commissar.

Two lucky Scouts are still standing having finished off an Armoured Sentinel and Veteran Squad.

Turn 6
Both the Scouts and the Librarian's unit become embroiled in more assault.  The bloody hand-to-hand continues, whittling down all forces.

Turn 7
The game ends with but a single Scout and Librarian surviving.  The Imperial Guard are still standing with greater points value.

Imperial Guard killed more points value, so won the Primary Objective.  They also killed the first unit, gaining First Blood.

Storm Wolves managed to pull off Kill The Enemy Warlord, but still lost.

Decisive Space Marine Unit

The Librarian, without his powers, and being a stubborn bastard on his armour rolls, the game would have ended on turn 5 or 6 (simply as no Space Marines left).

Decisive Imperial Guard Unit

Lord Commissar.  Thanks to his skill and power weapon, he led a Veteran Squad to make short work of a Space Marine unit.  No small achievement.

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