Saturday, March 31, 2012

A snipers life for me ...

Let me start by telling you a few things that I'm not.  I'm not a "camper", a "crazed gunman" or ever worked for the Post Office.

I am a sniper.  A surgeon for the Imperial Army removing it's enemies, one clean shot at a time.  I'm not standing on the front line firing my lasgun wildly hoping it does some actual damage.

I'm patient, I take my time, I only need one bullet for each kill.  Truth is half the time you won't see me.  I'm the angel of death that delivers doom, and you didn't even know was there.

It's a good life.  Oh course I'd lay down my life for the Emperor - but if I can, I'd rather hang onto it, if it's all the same.  We can kill from such a distance, we tend to be able to hang back from the main action.  We're not desperately firing at a charging squad of Ork Boyz hoping to down them before they make mincemeat of us, we don't tend to have Commissars looming over us trying to make an example of us.  Heck we don't even tend to run much - we just get all comfy and wait for the bozos to come to us.

Orks have got to be the funniest to sniper.  Their eyesight isn't much good, and you can finish half the squad before they realise what's going on.  Thick bastards.  Even then their aim is so dreadful you're not really in much danger.  You don't want to let them get too close though, they are something fierce, even their smell would be enough to down most men.

Probably Tau are next.  Being blue in colour, it couldn't be easier to spot them and get a headshot.  They get really upset when you nail one of the losers who carries the ornamental staff as well.  Unfortunately it really pisses them off, and they're somewhat better shots than Orks.  Still, it cracks me and the boys up something rotten ...

Sniping into the Eldar can be pretty funny too.  Those tossers are all aloof and into their art and history.  One minute they're a gang of aliens reading poetry, and then BAM, next minute you've read them their funeral rights.  They might be thousands of years old, but they die just as easy as us when they're in your sights.

One thing that annoys me though - everyone keeps thinking that to make it as a sniper in the Imperial Guard you have to be a munchkin.  Yeah we have a Ratling Squad, and they're good shots, but they're also a major pain in the ass.  They're always breaking into the food stores, and getting drunk (only the Emperor knows where they get it from), it's like taking a pack of locusts on tour with you.  And I swear the Commissars go easy on them as well, probably cos of their size.  And also cos they carry a grudge.

I remember Commissar Durnford had one of them shot for looting a few months ago.  Next battle he ended up having a "little accident" from stray sniper fire.  Yeah and those little bastards are good shots ... they don't tend to miss at all.

Yeah snipers eh - you want us in your army.  But believe me, you do not want to piss us off ...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Work shift Caleb Billy


“Hey Jack, I heard that the Shiring Brothers said that we're under attack.”.


“I say we stay here. This factory is a far better place than the hab-blocks.”

“You're no guardsman Caleb. I say we go to the hab-blocks where we know we have food and shelter.”


“If I'm going to die today, I want to face it straight on.”

“Look there – ORKS! Dirty stinking Orks!”

“Get 'em boys!”


“Go, get out of here while you still can Caleb.”


“It's too late – we've been cut off. There's nowhere to run … Arrrrrrgh”

Saturday, March 17, 2012

So you want to be a Chimera driver?

I transport all types of infantry into battle in my Chimera - conscripts, guardsmen, veterans and officers - to fight and defend in the name of the Emperor.  I've once even drove some Ogryns around, though it took weeks to get the smell out ...

Today I had to give some supporting fire in a streetfight using my multi-laser and heavy stubber.  My mate Smith was on the heavy stuber and got shot in the head - within a split second a lascannon fired on the building to our right, as a great piece of rubble fell on us, blocking the back hatch and gunners hatch. We were trapped.

I had to grab the power axe and cut my way out of the Chimera.  The sound of lasgun fire whizzed past the armour of the vehicle.  It took almost 11 minutes to cut through the thick armour.  The smell of the dead and rotting corpses filled the air.

I had no gun, and was behind enemy lines - I had to get back to base ... but how?

The 24th Regiment of Foot

The 24th Regiment of Foot have been pushed away from Holy Terra and it's defences and fleets.  Many of the Imperial Guardsmen that muster it's rank are born and raised on the planet Rorke's Falls.

Creed, an officer who joined the 24th Regiment a few years back, is most famous for his tactics that he's used to outwit all armies.  Mostly being on the frontline, using his hotshot laspistol and barking out orders, Creed is possibly the only officer deserving of good bodyguards and good armour.  Many have commented that he seems in many respect the lost twin of another famous Cadian officer ...

The 24th Regiment of Foot wear different colours to Cadians.  They are inspired by the British army of Victoria, wearing white for their helmets, red for their tunics, tan for their leggings, with black detailing.

Bringing the pain - a squadron of armoured Sentinels lay down some lascannon heavy fire, as some guardsmen protect them.

Creed surveys the battlefield.  A medic and bodyguard stand ready to protect ...

The 24th Regiments famous Household Cavalry, charge the line.

Forward into battle they go ...

The Chimera nick-named Get Some gives more than it gets ...

The Storm Wolves ...

The Storm Wolves are a chapter of Space Marines.  They are the guardians of the resource star system known as Ragnarok.  They are the second such chapter to carry the name, following in the footsteps of a Space Wolf founded chapter which failed due to cursed geneseed.

The Storm Wolves (II) were founded using Ultramarine geneseed several thousand years ago, inheriting much of the equipment of their former chapter.  They draw on the ranks of the local population, who are Germanic in nature and have retained many of the legends of the Space Wolves, with the honour of the Machine Spirit being upheld by naming most ships and vehicles within the chapter after Norse Gods.

Captain Marcus Stauffenberg looks out from the fortress of Mitguard. 

Captain Karl Rommel and Chapter Master Albert Donitz with the Vindicator Heimdall's Horn

The Ironclad Dreadnaught tomb of Gunther Ludendorf, a fallen hero of The War Of The Deep Dark

Starting at the beginning ...

Welcome to our blog.

We're passionate gamers for Warhammer 40,000, who create videos for our channel on YouTube when we can.  But it's all about the gaming.

We love our armies, and they have considerable back-history we've developed over the years.  This blog is about sharing some of the stories and fun we have in the Warhammer Universe.

The main armies we play are;

  • Space Marines
  • Imperial Guard
  • Tau

But they are not just any Space Marine/Imperial Guard army, they are our own concoction.  No off-the-shelf Ultramarine or Cadian squads for us.